The Cyclists' Alliance is proud to announce that we have completed our 2018 Teams Culture Survey. We created this survey to gather first-hand information from the women racing today about the level of professionalism in their teams, based on their personal experiences.
This information is important because it helps the Alliance better understand how the teams are treating their riders. From this survey, we have measured important points about the services each team is able to provide, how responsive the teams are to expenses and travel needs, and the level of support staff and resources the teams dedicate to their riders.
More importantly, all of this data provides an important resource to help riders make informed decisions about the next team for whom they might race. The Alliance will share this information only with our members, so as to preserve this confidential information. Members who would like to learn more about their potential next team can contact the Board and make an appointment to speak one-on-one about their opportunity. We can then help you to ask your team better questions, and make a better decision about your future opportunity.
For more information about contract negotiations, you can also read our recent contribution from Emma Wade on the 5 things to think about when negotiating your contract.
You can contact our Board at And if you aren't a member yet, access to this survey information and career support services are a great incentive for you to sign up today!
5 things to think about when Negotiating your riding contract