During the last three days 16 riders participated in individual interviews to finalize who will be awarded with the 2024 TCAMP Pre Career x Strava Grant.
With riders from all around the world participating in the interviews it was 3 busy days for the TCA staff, Deena Blacking, Dani Christmas, Roos Hoogeboom and J-F Reymond. During 30 minutes each riders had the opportunity to present their plan and objectives for 2024 and more importantly how the grant could make an impact of their future professional career.
For J-F Reymond, TCA Director, the different interviews helped to better understand each candidate and evaluate them on identical criteria.
" We have worked really hard with TCA staff to create a process that was fair and transparent for all riders. Overall, it was a really successful exercise. We are accountable to our members and we wanted to meet their expectations. It's not easy to evaluate riders from different cycling disciplines but I believe we approached it with the right vision. Special thank you to Mel Jarrett and Fernanda Monteiro from Strava who also participated with us in a couple of interviews. Their input was super valuable for the evaluation.
The next step will consist of a group evaluation of the interviews next Monday made by TCA staff and Strava representatives. Results will be announced later that week and grants distributed before the end of December to the successful applicants.
Stay connected to find out the recipient of the 2024 TCAMP Pre Career x Strava Grant